国庆节:热门目的地、趋势和临时旅行建议 国庆节假期 即将来临,中国正为备受期待的国庆假期(10月1日至10月7日)做好准备,预计将有1.75亿游客出行。 如果您还在寻找合适的旅行目的地,或者对今年的旅行趋势感到好奇,ASI Movers将为您提供帮助! 今天,我们将深入探讨假期期间的预期和去处,即使您计划临时出行也不成问题! 旅行趋势:2024国庆节的期待 Wendy Wei来自 Pexels 更实惠的旅行 首先,带来一个好消息:今年的... 2024年9月26日
帮助蝴蝶宝宝的慈善活动 The 2022 edition of the Shanghai Butterfly Football Cup just concluded! The occasion to take a look back at the event and bring awareness to the cause it is centered around: improving the lives of tho... 2022年11月11日
ASI Group向武汉百佳医院捐赠5000只口罩 In order to contribute to the Wuhan population's, medical personnel's, and authorities' efforts to combat Covid-19, ASI Group sent two packages of masks last week. They have been delivered to the Wuha... 2020年3月16日
活动更新:新冠疫情对您的搬迁可能造成的影响 Many clients have recently contacted us, rightfully questionning the impact of the coronavirus and of the measures taken to prevent its spread on their relocation project. We would like to reassure ou... 2020年2月18日
ASI Movers现在已经获得IAMX认证 What Is IAM? The International Association of Movers (IAM) was founded more than 50 years ago. It was launched in the United States and initially gathered 18 companies from the transportation industry... 2019年10月9日
ASI Movers在越南! Did you know that ASI Movers now has its own relocation team in Vietnam? After France, ASI Movers sets up its new teams in Vietnam, with our aim to continue expanding our qualitative services across t... 2019年7月12日 ASI Movers新闻
ASI Movers在上海蝴蝶杯足球赛上表演了! On April 14th, a team of ASI Group Shanghai Office played football at the SHANGHAI BUTTERFLY FOOTBALL CUP , a charity event organized by the Rotary Club of Shanghai Elysee, for the benefit of the DEBR... 2019年5月24日
ASI Movers在法国! Did you know that ASI Movers has its own relocation team in France? Our teams in both China and France coordinate and manage your move from packing at origin to delivery at destination, enabling you t... 2019年5月15日
Solidarité Shanghai与ASI Movers庆祝其成立10周年 Living as a permanent or temporary expat in Shanghai might be a challenging experience. When it comes to smoothing your relocation process, ASI Movers has been expats' best partner for more than 10 ye... 2019年3月26日
ASI Movers赞助了由上海Accueil组织的2018年电视马拉松 Yesterday, Shanghai Accueil organized a charity dinner-aperitif for the benefit of the Téléthon 2018 , the occasion for ASI Movers - who happily joined forces with Madeleine Bakery of this event - to ... 2018年12月5日
ASI Movers加入International Association of Movers (IAM) ASI Movers is proud to announce that we are now part of IAM, the International Association of Movers, which accounts for the quality of our service, our professionalism, rewarding our years of dedicat... 2018年9月7日