为什么最近搬迁到欧洲变得更加昂贵? 你正在亚洲和欧洲之间搬家吗?你可能已经注意到,并感到惊讶,费用比预期的要高。那么发生了什么呢? 主要原因是运输成本的上升。无论你是为了工作、家庭还是新的开始而搬家,了解这些费用上涨的原因可以帮助你更好地规划,并确保搬迁过程顺利。 在这篇文章中,我们将分析运输成本为何飙升,并提供一些管理搬迁的建议。 影响搬家费用的因素有哪些? 搬家费用受到各种因素的影响,这也是为什么搬家专业人士在提供报价之前会询问... 2024年7月24日 文章
国外生活的过山车:如何应对海外生活的高潮和低谷 无论您是出国留学、工作,还是简单地寻求新的冒险,搬到到一个新的国家就像是坐上了一场充满高潮、低谷和平稳期的情感过山车。说到移居国外,关键词是跨文化适应:一种让我们重塑世界观并考验我们适应性的现象。 1955年,Sverre Lysgaard研究了那些沉浸在新东道主文化中的人所面临的起起伏伏。他的观察导致了跨文化适应U型曲线模型的提出,该模型描述了四个明显的阶段:蜜月期、文化冲击、适应期和稳定期。 ... 2024年7月2日 文章
假期前的背景知识:中国五一假期的意义是什么 As many are finishing packing their suitcases, China is gearing up to celebrate the May Holiday (五一节), also known as Labor Day (国际劳动节) or International Workers’ Day, which takes place from May 1st to ... 2024年4月30日 文章
外派儿童综合症:是什么以及如何帮助? Embarking on the adventure of moving abroad is an exhilarating journey filled with cultural enrichment, career opportunities, and yet-to-be-known promises. For children , however, this adventure can b... 2024年4月22日 文章
应对春运的最佳建议:生存指南 As we gear up toward the much-anticipated Lunar New Year festivities , there's one thing on everyone's mind: Chunyun 春运, the annual migration that will see 9 billion trips being taken this year. Wheth... 2024年2月9日 文章
在国外过圣诞:远离家乡的欢乐 The holiday season is synonymous with warmth, togetherness, and the comfort of family gatherings. However, for those who find themselves spending Christmas away from their familiar surroundings, the j... 2023年12月22日 文章
职业与专业发展:在国外成功航行 Moving abroad to seek a new challenge in your career, or changing location during your international journey offers a unique blend of challenges and opportunities. Whether you are embarking on self-in... 2023年9月15日 文章
文化智慧:外籍人士在国外蓬勃发展的超能力 In today's article, we explore a very important concept to anybody who lives or plans to live abroad, that has been proven to ease expatriates' transition from one place to another and adapt to new co... 2023年6月5日 文章
我们为什么出国:自发出国人士独特的旅程 Have you taken the leap or decided to live and work abroad on your own initiative? Then you are part of the growing self-initiated expatriates community! What are the reasons for deciding to move abro... 2023年4月19日 文章
中国恢复发放所有签证:你需要了解的一切 Announcements made on March 13th, 2023 by several Chinese Embassies point toward a pre-pandemic back to normal for international travels with China! They indeed announced that the country will resume ... 2023年3月15日 文章
中国重新开放:计划旅行的一切你需要知道 January 8th will mark the end of most travel restrictions for people arriving in China from abroad . These changes stem from authorities downgrading Covid-19 from a Class A (which, for instance, inclu... 2023年1月4日 文章
外籍人士内疚感:解读这种常见现象 Guilt, as defined in psychology, is an emotional experience that occurs when one believes – accurately or not – that one has compromised one’s standards of conduct or violated universal moral standard... 2020年9月11日 文章