
Many clients have recently contacted us, rightfully questionning the impact of the coronavirus and of the measures taken to prevent its spread on their relocation project.

We would like to reassure our customers that our Shanghai team is currently operating. Even though our staff is only partially operational, we ensure the most complete service feasible. We aim at sticking to our planned conduct of operations to the extent permitted by the situation and by the rules implemented by the local authorities.

Please note that our teams of packers comply with the health recommendations and wear masks and gloves at any time.

We remain at your disposal for more detailed answers and regular updates regarding your move. Each project is indeed unique and might be subject to different regulations.

For Those Moving From China

aerial photography of city buildings

We kindly invite you to contact your property manager beforehand in order to receive the instructions and rules they have implemented in your compound/building.

Each of them has drafted specific rules and you would need to check with them which ones will apply for your move.

Please note that, while some compounds require the packers' information, others will forbid them to come in altogether.

We also take the occasion to wish all our customers a happy and healthy year of the rat! We look forward to assist you this year in your local or international relocation projects the same way we did for the past decade!