Actualité Immigration : Revenir En Chine Sans PU Letter For several months, and due to the rapid spread of Covid-19 worldwide, the Chinese government suspended the entry into China of foreign nationals holding visas and resident permits. This measure inclu... 19 août 2020
Quelles Opportunités Attendent Les Expatriés En Chine Après Le Covid-19 ? Following the Covid-19 crisis, many expats and “nomads” had to put their international journey on hold, and maybe even rethink the career path they had envisioned. Some international assignments have ... 14 août 2020
Travailler À L'Étranger À L'Ère du Covid-19 : À Quoi Devez-Vous Vous Attendre ? Covid-19 is having and will have a huge impact in terms of employment. Many SMEs’ and even bigger businesses’ activity has suffered from the pandemic and the lockdowns it induced. The OECD predicted t... 20 juil. 2020
Retourner Chez Soi Après Une Expatriation : Pourquoi N'Est-Ce Pas Toujours Ce À Quoi On S'Attend ? With the recent development of Covid-19, and some foreigners now being prevented from reeintering China (following the Chinese Government notice published last week), many of the people living abroad ... 3 avr. 2020
Récapitulatif De L'Année 2019 : Une Année Avec ASI Movers ASI Movers wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy festive season! This year has been full of exciting projects and collaborations, the occasion for us to thank our customers for their trust and look... 25 déc. 2019
Temporary Residence Registration: Le Système De Demande En Ligne Pour Les Résidents de Shanghai As you may know if you have already been living in China, foreigners as well as residents from Hong-Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, need to register to the police station within 24 hours after their arrival ... 4 déc. 2019
Travailler En Chine En Tant Qu'Étranger : Ce Qu'Il Faut Savoir Even though knowing exactly how many expats currently reside in China is hard, it has been estimated that 220,000 foreigners were working in China during the first decade of the 20th century. About on... 29 nov. 2019
Que Faire Pendant Le Festival De La Mi-Automne ? You might already know that China is preparing for a celebration, given the National Holiday taking place on Friday, September 13th. What is this celebration about, what are the customs surrounding it... 12 sept. 2019 Articles
Que Faire À Shanghai En Septembre ? September is here! Whether you just arrived in Shanghai for the first time, are returning from well-deserved vacations outside the country, or are prolonging a Summer at the office, it is time to take... 5 sept. 2019 Articles
Comment Envoyer De L'Argent À L'Étranger Lorsqu'On Habite En Chine As an expat working in Shanghai, you might consider sending money to your family abroad. Sending the money out of the country might be challenging. ASI Movers compiled advices and tips that might be u... 19 août 2019 Articles
Qixi: Tout Ce Que Vous Devez Savoir Sur La Saint Valentin Chinoise Qixi festival (also called Double Seventh Festival) is known as the Chinese Valentine’s Day and falls on the 7th day of the 7th Chinese lunar month. This year, it is supposed to occur on Wednesday, Au... 8 août 2019 Articles
Votre Guide Sur Les Nouvelles Règles De Recyclage À Shanghai Starting from Monday, July 1st, individuals and companies in Shanghai must sort their household trash. Shanghai is the third largest and most populous city in the world! With a population of more than... 25 juil. 2019 Articles